Russian FSB reports to Prime Minister Putin today are stating that United States President George Bush and his family were detained by American1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta Troops ([url=]SFOD-D) and confined to the US Presidential Retreat located at Camp David as they were preparing to flee to their mountain stronghold in the South American Nation of Paraguay.
By Sorcha Faal
Almost entirely ignored by the American people was our October 16, 2006 report [url=]US President Bush Makes Massive Land Purchase In Paraguay Ahead Of Expected War Crimes Charges, and which the Latin American News Service Prensa Latina further confirmed in their October 16, 2006 report [url=]Bush Buys Land in Northern Paraguay, and as we can read:
[url=]An Argentine official regarded the intention of the George W. Bush family to settle on the Acuifero Guarani (Paraguay) as surprising, besides being a bad signal for the governments of the region.
[url=]Luis D Elia, undersecretary for the Social Habitat in the Argentine Federal Planning Ministry, issued a memo partially reproduced by digital, in which he spoke of the purchase by Bush of a 98,842-acre farm in northern Paraguay, between Brazil and Bolivia.
Equally being ignored by the American people is the reason for the Bush Family needing to flee their country, and as we had, also, previously on in our October 15, 2005 report [url=]War Crimes Portfolio against United States President, Vice President and Defense Secretary Opened By International Committee of the Red Cross Charging Crimes Against Humanity, but which they were not allowed to know about until the New York Times reported on this July 11, 2008, and as we can read:
[url=]Red Cross investigators concluded last year in a secret report that the Central Intelligence Agencys interrogation methods for high-level Qaeda prisoners constituted torture and could make the Bush administration officials who approved them guilty of war crimes, according to a new book on counterterrorism efforts since 2001.
To the critical background behind these latest stunning events involving the American President we have, also, reported on in our October 27, 2008 report [url=]Obama-Ahmadinejad Meet Spurs Attacks On Syria, CIA.
To the current events involving the detaining of the American President by his own Military Forces, these reports continue, the Top US Generals seeking to prevent Bush from plunging the World into Total War prior to his ouster from office were shocked by the CIA and Bush Families private Blackwater Forces (accurately described as [url=]Bushs Shadow Army) [url=]attack upon Syria, and which the Bush coup plotters had hoped would invoke the Syrian-Iranian [url=]mutual defense pact signed in May, 2008 causing Iran to swiftly retaliate.
[Note: The Bush family connection with the destructive course of the United States predates World War II with their [url=]support of Adolph Hitler and his German Nazi Fascists Forces, continued on with their [url=]failed coup against President Roosevelt in 1933, which then led up to their [url=]murder of President John F. Kennedy who [url=]attempted to destroy their [url=]private Federal Reserve Bank controlling the wealth of America, further continued with the [url=]destruction of President Nixon allowing one of the [url=,1111-06.htm]cover-up conspirators of the Warren Commission investigation President Kennedys assassination to become President, Gerald Ford, who then [url=]appointed George Bush as director of the CIA, who then blackmailed President Reagan to become his Vice President who George Bush then [url=]attempted to assassinate using the CIA [url=]drug controlled use of one of his close family friends named John Hinckley, to ultimately lead to the catastrophic day of September 11, 2001 which saw the total destruction of the World Trade Center which, conveniently, had been closed for the first time in its history the weekend before its destruction by Bush son Neil to [url=]install security equipment, and all of which have led to their ultimate goal of establishing their family as dictators for life over the entire United States.]
Iran, however, and as these reports state, did not invoke their mutual defense pact with Syria as they had previously been assured by the anti-coup US Generals that should the Bush Family be expelled from power American diplomatic recognition of their Nation would be immediate, and as we had previously reported on and which the [url=]Seattle Times News Service still remains the only US media outlet who still refuses to blackout this information from the American public, and as we can read:
[url=]The Bush administration will announce in mid-November, after the presidential election, that it intends to establish the first U.S. diplomatic presence in Iran since the 1979-81 hostage crisis, according to senior Bush administration officials.
FSB reports state that the senior Bush administration officials who authorized the release of this stunning information were directed to do so by their own Defense Secretary Robert Gates who had once [url=]headed the CIA, but who before being forced from office, but not before discovering the monstrous coup being planned for the United States by the Bush Family, had laid careful plans to retake America from the fascist forces devoted to its destruction.
Reports coming from the United States [url=]confirm that President Bush is, indeed, being moved to Camp David and are further reporting the appalling news that [url=]$163 billion of their taxpayers money is being used to pay off Bush loyalists by paying dividends to the shareholders of bankrupt US banks, and when combined with todays reporting that the US oil giant Exxon-Mobile has, once again, set a new American [url=]record for profits, the rape of the American people by the Bush Family coup forces is nearly complete.
It goes without saying that the information weve contained in this report will, once again, be ignored by the vast majority of the American people as it is labeled by them too appalling to ever be true. What fails them, however, is the historical fact that the most appalling and unimaginable news that has ever been reported has also been the most accurate.
One example that comes to mind is the Sorcha Faals July 28, 1939 report US-Britain-French-Soviet Pact Spells Annihilation For European Jews, and which, sadly, accurately detailed what was to come as on September 17, 1939 German Nazi and Russian Soviet Forces [url=]invaded Poland beginning World War II.
But, and which no American is able to explain even to this day, only Germany had war declared upon it by the Western Nations of England and France.
So here we are, once again, living in a World so monstrous that the lies of the propagandists are believed while the small voices of those like us are held up to ridicule and disdain.
But, as we have accepted our mission we must also accept our fate, no matter the ridicule, no matter the hate, no matter what befalls us after all, and as our faith has always shown, truth carries its own defense and it has always been on our side.
And in closing this report, we would be remiss in not reminding our American Sisters of our previous reports [url=]Prophet Of Barack Obama Warns Of Catastrophic US Destruction, [url=]Vatican Moves For Total US Takeover With Obama Vice President Pick and [url=]Bush Converts To Catholicism As Cheney Power Grab Leaves Top US Newsman Dead, all of which have been brought into sharp relief by the [url=]murder yesterday of Romes Top Jesuit Leader in Moscow Otto Messmer.