Saturday, 02 February 2008
Olbermann: Bush push for telcom immunity ‘textbook example of fascism’
‘In a blistering condemnation of President Bush’s willingness to go to the wall for corporations he relies on to spy on Americans, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann says the president’s message in his State of the Union address calling for immunity of telecommunications companies is a “textbook example of fascism”.’
Saturday, 02 February 2008
Middle East Internet Blackouts Spur Geopolitical Suspicions
‘Unprecedented mass Internet outages throughout the Middle East and Asia after no less than four undersea Internet cables were cut without explanation are spurring suspicions that a major event of geopolitical proportions may be just around the corner.’
Saturday, 02 February 2008
Fake Conservative Coulter To Vote For Fake Liberal Hillary
‘Neo-con lapdog Ann Coulter has declared that she will vote for HIllary Clinton should John McCain win the GOP nomination, declaring Clinton to be “more conservative”. “If he’s our candidate, then Hillary’s going to be our girl,” Coulter stated on Hannity and Colmes. “Because she’s more conservative than he is. I think she would be stronger on the war on terrorism. … I absolutely believe that … I will campaign for her if it’s McCain. He has led the fight against — well, as you say, interrogations, I say torture — at Guantanamo. She hasn’t done that.”‘
Saturday, 02 February 2008
‘Jewish primary’ begins . . .
‘When California moved its presidential primary to Feb. 5, and other big states followed suit, the strategic role of Jewish voters in the nominating process was greatly enhanced. Inadvertently, the states created a “Jewish primary.” New York, California, Florida, Illinois, Connecticut and Massachusetts will vote on or just before Feb. 5. (Florida’s primary was held on Jan. 29.)
In the more than 20 states that hold primaries or caucuses in that one-week span live 5,111,685 Jews, according to the American Jewish Committee’s (AJCommittee) 2006 American Jewish Year Book, representing nearly 80 percent of all American Jews.’
Saturday, 02 February 2008
Zbigniew Brzezinski Now Obama’s Cabinet
Yet another place-man fraud
‘Obama could not have taken on a more brazen spokesman for the super rich if he had hired Henry Kissinger, or even David Rockefeller himself! Brzezinski was the architect of the current situation in the middle east. Brzezinski brags of his role in destroying the socialist government in Afghanistan, by secretly arming and training the Taliban to take power; by secretly recruiting, arming and training Osama Bin Laden; he virtually invented armed Islamic extremism.
Brzezinski is the most prominent of Rockefeller servants, not merely a member, but a founder and director of the Rockefeller’s Trilateral commission, where the world’s elite meet to plot, plan, and conspire against democratic movements and ideals on worldwide basis. Until recently, full pages on Obama’s website bragged about the relationship between Obama and Brzezinski.’
Obama’s Handler – The Brzezinski WWIII Machine
Saturday, 02 February 2008
One law for one … Wealthy ‘avoid £13bn of tax every year’
‘Tax avoidance by large companies and wealthy individuals costs the Government £25bn a year, the equivalent of £1,000 for every working person in Britain, according to research published today. The wealthy avoid tax worth £13bn while the country’s largest firms escape tax worth £12bn, according to the study commissioned by the Trades Union Congress.’
Saturday, 02 February 2008
Mugabe in poll setback as inflation hits 26,470%
‘Zimbabwe’s inflation soared to a record high of 26,470.8 per cent as the economy contracted by 6 per cent, the central bank said yesterday dealing a blow to president Robert Mugabe’s government ahead of the general election next month.
The veteran leader will seek another five-year term on 29 March, against the backdrop of an economic meltdown widely blamed on his political and economic policies. Gideon Gono, the governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, said that inflation galloped to 26,470.8 per cent year-on-year in November 2007, from 7,982.1 per cent in September. There were no figures for October.’
Why does the ‘world community’ look on? Mugabe is a place-man put there by Henry Kissinger and Lord Carrington, business partners and stalwarts of the Bilderberg Group. ( See … And The Truth Shall Set You Free).
Saturday, 02 February 2008
The Black Box Economy Controls Global Financial System
‘The scale and complexity of these new investments means that they don’t just defy traditional economic rules, they may change the rules. So much of the world’s capital is now tied up in this shadow economy that the traditional tools for fixing an economic downturn – moves that have averted serious disasters in the recent past – may not work as expected.
In tell-all books, financial blogs, and small-circulation newsletters, a handful of insiders have begun to sound the alarm, warning that governments and top bankers may simply no longer understand the financial system well enough to do anything about it.’
Saturday, 02 February 2008
The Leylines of Nuremberg
‘… Aboriginal culture explains [this] through its concept of “songlines,” magnetic and vital force flows that emanate from the earth, crisscrossing the continent. Aborigines believe that they can project their psyche or inner consciousness along these songlines as a means of communicating songs, stories, and knowledge over great distances. It is said that songlines were once a sacred tradition that stretched across the entire earth, and, in this way, cultural knowledge was shared worldwide.’
Friday, 01 February 2008
Liberal MP Keith Martin introduces bill to repeal section13 (Internet censorship) of the Canadian Human Rights Act
This is the section used by Richard Warman to target free speech through his former employers at the Canadian ‘Human Rights’ Commission (see George Orwell’s ‘Ministry of Truth’).
Friday, 01 February 2008
FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds spills her secrets
‘Most Americans have never heard of Sibel Edmonds, and if the U.S. government has its way, they never will. The former FBI translator turned whistleblower tells a chilling story of corruption at Washingtons highest levelssale of nuclear secrets, shielding of terrorist suspects, illegal arms transfers, narcotics trafficking, money laundering, espionage.’
Friday, 01 February 2008
Chemtrails over Los Angeles
Friday, 01 February 2008
Amnesty: Winograd report ignored Israeli war crimes
‘A human rights group says the report published by a commission of inquiry into 2006 Lebanon campaign was “deeply flawed”, and did not investigate government and military policies that “failed to discriminate between civilian population and Hizbullah combatants”.’
Click here to read and watch …
Friday, 01 February 2008
Latest from the Thought Police … New Dictionary Highlights Nazi Words to Avoid
‘Dozens of words in the German language, from “degenerate” to “final solution,” have become taboo because of their use by the Nazis. A new dictionary of Third Reich terms provides a guide through the linguistic minefield.’
Friday, 01 February 2008
Getting Duped: How the Media Messes with Your Mind
‘Statements made in the media can surreptitiously plant distortions in the minds of millions. Learning to recognize two commonly used fallacies can help you separate fact from fiction.’
Friday, 01 February 2008
Hillary Clinton: A Bilderberg Presidency
‘…Hillary will be good for America… we’ll be very pleased that she’s president.’ — Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Portfolio magazine, October 5, 2007
‘While President Bush’s approval rating falls to record lows, the torch is being prepared to pass on to Hillary Clinton, with full endorsement from the global elite. With support from European nobility, Clinton has been selected as the candidate of choice for the continuation of globalist policies. Bill Clinton, being a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, as well as the secretive Bilderberg group, was the creme de la creme establishment candidate. His wife, Hillary, who likely attended the 2006 Bilderberg conference in Ottawa Canada, now promises to follow in his path.’
Friday, 01 February 2008
Bill Clinton has angry response for 9/11 heckler
‘The Clinton campaign may be stopping President Bill from taking on Senator Barack Obama in his public appearances on his wife’s behalf. But that doesn’t mean he can’t go on the rampage against ‘9/11 hecklers.’
“9/11 was not an inside job, it was an Osama Bin Laden job,” President Clinton proclaimed in the campaign stop.’