Monday, 04 February 2008
Behavior-Based Internet Advertising: Who Is Watching You?
Have you ever been surfing the web and come upon Internet advertising that provides a direct solution for something that you’ve been researching lately? Did you think that it might be related to your computer cookies, or did you chalk it up to serendipity?
The fact is, it almost certainly wasn’t a coincidence.
Monday, 04 February 2008
Navy Tests Incredible Sci-Fi Weapon
The U.S. Navy recently test fired an incredibly powerful new big gun designed to replace conventional weaponry aboard ships.
The test-firing, captured on video, took place Jan. 31 in Dahlgren, Va., and Navy officials called it the “world’s most powerful electromagnetic railgun.”
Monday, 04 February 2008
‘Arctic ice isn’t vanishing after all’
‘This body is committed to warmist orthodoxy and contributes to the work of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Yet its graph of northern hemisphere sea ice area, which shows the ice shrinking from 13,000 million sq km to just 4 million from the start of 2007 to October, also shows it now almost back to 13 million sq km.
A second graph, “Global Ice Area”, shows a similar pattern repeated every year since satellite records began in 1979; while a third, “Southern Hemisphere Ice”, shows that sea ice has actually expanded in recent years, well above its 30-year mean.’
Monday, 04 February 2008
Rain Forests Fall at ‘Alarming’ Rate
‘In the gloomy shade deep in Africa’s rain forest, the noontime silence was pierced by the whine of a far-off chain saw. It was the sound of destruction, echoed from wood to wood, continent to continent, in the tropical belt that circles the globe. From Brazil to central Africa to once-lush islands in Asia’s archipelagos, human encroachment is shrinking the world’s rain forests.’
Monday, 04 February 2008
Obama Economic Controller Is Skull And Bones Member
‘Barack Obama’s top economics adviser is a member of the super-secret Skull & Bones society of Yale University, of which George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and John Kerry are also members, reliable sources confirmed tonight. Goolsbee is widely reported to have told Obama not to back a compulsory freeze on home mortgage foreclosures to help the struggling middle class in the current depression crisis, as demanded by former candidate John Edwards.’
Monday, 04 February 2008
Elite Child Abuse: Johnny Gosch Report on Geraldo at Large
Johnny Gosch in 1982
Monday, 04 February 2008
NATO is a treaty on wheels
‘Have you by chance noticed that NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, has become virtually a country? With more international rights and military power than almost any other country in the world? Yes, the same NATO that we were told was created in 1949 to defend against a Soviet attack in Western Europe, and thus should have gone out of existence in 1991 when the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact expired and explicitly invited NATO to do the same.’
As David Icke has been saying for nearly 20 years – NATO is a Totalitarian Tiptoe to a world army.
Sunday, 03 February 2008
Probe into police ‘bugging’ of MP
‘Justice Secretary Jack Straw has ordered an inquiry into claims police bugged a Muslim Labour MP as he visited a friend and constituent in jail. Tooting MP Sadiq Khan and Babar Ahmad were recorded twice in Milton Keynes’s Woodhill Prison, the Sunday Times says. The US is seeking to extradite Mr Ahmad on suspicion of running websites raising funds for the Taleban.’
Sunday, 03 February 2008
I’ll be president of Europe if you give me the power – Blair
‘Tony Blair has been holding discussions with some of his oldest allies on how he could mount a campaign later this year to become full-time president of the EU council, the prestigious new job characterised as “president of Europe”.’
Sunday, 03 February 2008
New Morgellons Revelations
‘Here is another odd but powerfull side effect of Morgellons. The countless fibers from this affliction permeate virtually our entire home and probably those of most Morgellons victims. We have found that the fibers seem to have a strange ability to infest home electrical equipment…which further suggests a nanotechnology component in this sometimes fatal ‘disease.’
We strive very hard to keep our home clean of the fibers coming from our bodies but no matter what measures we take, we have found that Morgellons fibers find their way into our computer and into our home stereo system amplifier/receiver and speakers.’
Sunday, 03 February 2008
Third Internet Cable Cut in Middle East
‘A leading Internet provider in the Emirates said an undersea cable had been cut early Friday in the Persian Gulf, causing severe phone line disruptions here and compounding an already existing Internet outage across large parts of the Middle East and Asia after two other undersea cables were damaged earlier this week north of Egypt.’
So what or who is behind the cable cutting?
Sunday, 03 February 2008
Senator Russ Feingold Confronted About 9/11
Sunday, 03 February 2008
Dubai Skyscraper With Rotating Floors