Why the Slaughter?
Olmert and the defeat madhouse[/h3]
The Jewish State of Israel pathetically combines the ridicule with dementia and genocide. After wiping out with bombs and missiles more than 70% of the infrastructure in Gaza, killing 1300 Palestinians and injuring others 5600, in addition to killing nearly 400 children and 200 women, besides of deepening an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe produced by the blockade, and without achieving any of its goals, Israel declared an “unilateral cease-fire” with its troops and tanks virtually stuck at the scene of the slaughter.
In this scenario, with the resistance army attacking to the Israeli troops stationed, with Palestinian rockets still hitting Israeli territory and with Hamas giving Israel a week to withdraw from Gaza, Olmert, the prime minister, ended up demential scenario seeking help to disarm Hamas to the U.S. and the European Union. It is not a film about asylums stories (those that usually the JewishHollywood make up) but a part of the daily chronicle of a process of criminal insanity erupted in Gaza and that its authors call a “war of defense against terrorism.”
It is impossible to believe that those who lead a military superpower with an arsenal of 200 nuclear warheads have been destroyed a defenseless country with its people massacred with impunity, only to disguise their escape by declaring a unilateral cease-fire and requesting international “aid” to get the objective that could not be achieved with a military operation of extermination during 22 consecutive days.
A band of genocidal sick people, clumsy and improvised managing a nuclear superpower?
Certainly nor Olmert, neither Livni, Barak or the military responsible for the slaughter (besides not being judged by their crimes against humanity) they will never be checked by an international psychiatric board to determine what degree of emotional instability, or degree of criminal alienation, led them to convert a military occupation in a process of irrational and indiscriminate extermination of defenseless civilians.
Literally that’s what Israel did, whose prime minister, Ehud Olmert, stated (without shame) to the press that Israel wants to “withdrawal quickly” from Gaza while seeking aid from the U.S. and the European Union to disarm Hamas and control the smuggling of arms destined for the Palestinian resistance organizations.
Surrounded by European leaders (including Sarkozy, Merkel and Brown) who traveled to Jerusalem to visit him, Olmert said that Israel is not interested in staying in Gaza and expressed his wish that the soldiers leave Gaza quickly.
The statements of Olmert, a tacit admission of defeat for the operation of extermination, surprised the world and left amazed at the circles of power and the Israeli society who had enthusiastically supported the military campaign to “destroy Hamas and stop the Palestinians rockets.”
Without the self-critic for 22 days of slaughter, the Jews expressed “dismay” and disbelief that showed the residents of Israeli towns that are targeted by Palestinian rockets, to the continuity of Hamas in power and the deadline given to Israel of a week to withdraw.
But the (criminal) absurd does not end there.
European heads of government, Nicolas Sarkozy, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Silvio Berlusconi, Jose Rodriguez Zapatero will come to Israel from the Egyptian town of el-Sheikh Sharem, where they were invited by Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak, at a summit for the reconstruction of Gaza.
Incredibly, and with total impunity, Zionist powers compulsively repeat in Gaza and what they did in Lebanon: First let Israeli aircraft to destroy Lebanon in 2006 and Gaza in 2009, and then call a summit for “reconstruction.”
After the request for “help” by Olmert, the U.S. and the European Union resolved to consider joint actions to neutralize the “reset” and the “terrorists” activities of Hamas as if the Israeli military extermination operations that lasted 22 days had never existed.
”We are working with the international community to find practical solutions to specific problems that arose with Hamas,” said a source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel.
“An international effort is needed to prevent Hamas from recovering and attack Israel again,” he stressed in a science fiction speech.
Meanwhile, Hamas and the bodies of Gaza on Sunday gave a touch of cruellest realism to the demential table of the Jewish State and its Zionist allies.
The rescue operations that led to the arrest of the bombing, allowed the rescue of more than 100 bodies buried under rubble and it is assumed that there are many more, bringing the final number of victims is an open and unfinished process.
For its part, Hamas declared its ceasefire and gave Israel “a week term” for the complete withdrawal of its troops.
After Israel declared an unilateral truce, Hamas responded with Palestinians 12 rockets hurled against Israel and lightning attacks against the invading Israeli troops.
The reading of the action was translated by Hamas in a statement: ”The last bombing was intended to send the message that we are the ones who decide when there is a ceasefire and not a unilateral decision by Israel.”
Mushir Al-Masri, a Hamas member of Parliament, noted that ”Israel did not achieve even one of its objectives and flees from the Strip.”
“Hamas and factions announced a ceasefire in Gaza and gave Israel one week to withdraw,” said Ayman Taha, a representative of the Islamic organization that traveled to Cairo for talks with Egypt on a truce.
“The Zionist enemy fled. The rockets did not stop. Organizations are living, maintain their ability to fire and (Israeli soldier) Shalit is still in our hands,” Hamas summarized in their communique.
Just hours before proclaiming its unilateral ceasefire by Israel, the Israeli extreme right-wing parties led by the Likud accused the government of having wasted the chance, stopping the fire without achieving the minimum goals that had been proposed three weeks before: stop the launchment of missiles into Israel and the smuggling of weapons and explosives into the Gaza Strip.
The Zionist ultra-hawk Benjamin Netanyahu said: “We have a strong army that managed to hit hard on Hamas, but did not complete the task. Hamas governs still in Gaza and still continues smuggling across the border with Egypt, where receives new missiles for their secret arsenals.”
Netanyahu is the favorite according to polls for the February elections, and its possible entry into the leadership of the Jewish State of Israel is seen as the entry of another process of ”military solution” in the long-suffering and impoverished Gaza Strip.
Why the slaughter?
This is the question that Olmert and Israeli civilians and militars must respond to the world about slaughter in Gaza.
Question that also must be answered by the Israeli society and Jewish communities around the world who enthusiastically supported the most cruel and unusual military carnage of civilians in modern history.[/h3][/align]