The Oldest Map Of America Drawn By Piri Reis: Different Versions of The "Bahnye"

Bahriye bears two different dates : 1520 (Arabic 927) 1525 (Arabic 932). The first version of it received popularity among the contemporary seamen and was copied out to be used in the fleet.

The other version is the one that was presented to Suleyman after the author made new additions to it. Neither of the original copies have been found as yet. The existing copies in the libraries are later versions of these.

1521 Version

1- Istanbul. The Library of the Treasury Department, Top-kapi Palace. No 575

2- Istanbul. Topkapi Palace Library. No : 333

3- Istanbul. Nuruosmaniye Library. No : 2290.

4- Istanbul. Nuruosmanlyc Library. No : 2292 Date : I62~

5- Istanbul. Koprtilti Library. No :172. (No date)

6,7- Istanbul. Library of the Naval Museum. No : 59, 50 (2 copieS).

8- Dresden. Date of copy : 1544 (Arabic : 961). Part of it was published in 1926 by Paul Kable.

9-10 Bologne. No : 3612-3613. Only one has a date : 9574 (A. 982)

11- Berlin. Prof. Martman. 1644 (A. io~o)

12- Berlin. State Library.

13-14- Paris. National Library. No : 220-965 (956). One bears the date :1587 (A. 996)

15- Vienna. No date.

16- London. Oxford Bodleian Library.

1525 (Arabic 932) Version

17- Istanbul. Library of St. Sophia. (This version was puhlis hed In 1935 in tstanbul with an introduction, an index and a facsimile.)

18- Istanbul. University Library. No : 4654

19- Istanbul. Koprulu Library. No 171

20- Istanbul. Topkapi Palace, Revan Library. No : 18-1633

21-Istanbul. Husrev Pasa Library. No : 264. 1770 (A. 1184)

21- Istanbul. Husrev Pasa Library. No : 1770 (A. 1184)

22,23- Istanbul. Library of the Naval Museum. No : ) 88. (No date)

24- Istanbul. Millet Library. No :1

25- Istanbul. Topkapi Palace, Bagdad Kiosk Library. No : 388

26,27- Istanbul. Nuruosnianiye Library. No. 2989 – 3004.

28- Istanbul. Atir Efendi Library. No : 227

29- Istanbul. Yeni Cami Library. No 790



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